Sunday, July 20, 2014

Studio Sunday-Linen Thread

On Thursday, my friend Trudy and I went to Providence and got a day pass to the Convergence Fiber Conference. We spent a lot of time in the vendor hall. I brought home this linen thread in the most beautiful Spirit Book colors which I purchased from the Lone Star Loom Room. The friendly Texans had driven 2,000 miles from Houston to be at the conference. I also met the folks from Fiber Art Now. I thank Lauren Pearlman of Paper Connection International for posting info about the conference on her facebook. That's how I found out about it. The thread was the physical treasure that I brought home but equally important was the inspiration from looking at new materials and the wonderful exhibit of fiber in a variety of forms.


  1. Yea! for Tracy, Julie, DeeDee and Gretchen - those friendly Texans!

    All members of Contemporary Handweavers of Houston.


  2. i went to convergence last in the 80's in toronto. it was great fun!

  3. I was there! Bet we met in the elevator or the vendor hall. LOL It was a long time ago.

    I regret not going to the one in New Mexico recently.
