Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Books are intimate...

Books are intimate; they welcome personal encounters.
Books are humble; they fulfill their potential closed as well as open.
Books have depth; they are rich with the possibilities of endless variation.
Books have spirit; they are dwelling places for our thoughts and dreams.

I wrote a version of this in my early years of making books and for a long time it was on the entry page to my art website. Over the years I have seen it pop up here and there as an anonymous poem.

Here is a pdf version of Books are intimate.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susan, my name is Karrie and I have been on your enewsletter for about a year. I think I found your site by search the web about making books. I found it interesting. I am a paper artist; scrapbooker, card maker, etc. Your natural books are beautiful. I would like to feature you on my blog. If I may post your image of the Books Are Intimate? And provide a link to your site so others may view your awesome works of art. My email:
