Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Book Arts Tuesday-Fall Workshop Schedule

I've had a great week or so preparing projects and material for my fall workshops. Here's the schedule:


A Gathering of Gifts
Workshops at the Center for Creative Wholeness
Newbury, MA

Give yourself the gift of quiet time and creative activity in companionship with others while making small, simple handmade books that can be used as gifts and cards.

These workshops take place from 10 AM to 12:30 PM on Saturday mornings. Each session focuses on a different simple book form made with recycled materials. No art experience or creative confidence is needed; this workshop is truly for everyone. The cost is $30. per workshop. Space is limited so early registration is recommended. Contact me, susan (at) susangaylord.com, to register or for more information.

Stick Books, October 13

Celebrate autumn by making books with sticks, string and ribbon. Add elements from nature such as leaf rubbings and words and quotes about the season or use the books for themes of your choice.

Stick Books Flyer

Flag Books, December 1

Usher in the holiday season by making vibrant, lively books from old cards and bright papers. And the best part—they are easier to make than they look.

Flag Books Flyer

Booklet Books, January 12

One piece of recycled paper, three folds, one cut, a little magic and voila—a book! These simple books can be used as is, have bookmarks added, or be combined to make more three-dimensional structures.

Booklet Books Flyer

Unfolding Books, February 9

Just in time for Valentine’s Day—a simple, intimate book that unfolds to a central page—a perfect place for a special message. Don’t send Valentines? No worry—there’s lots of other ways to use your book.

Unfolding Books Flyer

Slat Books, March 23

Based on the earliest book form of China, these books can stand or hang, spell out names and words, hold poems, or create small altar spaces.

Slat Books Flyer

2012-2013 Workshop Schedule at Center for Creative Wholeness Flyer

Calling the Quiet: Making Books for Meditation & Reflection
"A Day Apart" at Rolling Ridge Retreat Center
Andover, MA
Tuesday, October 30, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM (includes lunch)

Making books combines the calm and comfort of handwork with the opportunity for reflection. Using recycled materials, we'll make five simple books on a variety of themes and a box to hold them. No art experience or creative confidence is needed; this workshop is truly for everyone. The cost is $70. Early registration (before 10.23.12) is rewarded with a reduction in cost to $58.

Register online or by calling the office, 978.682.8815.


Both workshops are drop-in self-guided activities. You'll have a chance to make one or more books and add content with collage materials, rubbings, and stencils. There will be a display of handmade books to inspire you to continue your bookmaking adventures at home.

Trails & Sails Bookmaking with Recycled Materials
Emma Andrews Library and Community Center
77 Purchase Street
Newburyport, MA
Sunday, September 30, 1-3 PM

Harvest Themed Bookmaking with Recycled Materials
Sudbury Valley Trustees
Wolbach Farm
18 Wolbach Road, Sudbury, MA
Saturday, October 27, 12-4 PM


Making Books with Children
Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County
Cleveland, OH
Tuesday, October 16, 4-6 PM

Feel free to contact me with any questions or to schedule a workshop for your organization.

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