Thursday, November 08, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday-A New Project

Think about the breath, both as action and metaphor. Try to keep the balance of the breath in every thing you do. Balance your input and output. Always keep learning but don't be afraid to set limits. Learn what YOU need to learn for your work.

I have begun a new project. Part of me feels that I should continue to keep it a secret until I am farther along. But I am deep in the midst of it, I am going to do it, and it will never be easy to come out and say that I am writing a book of advice for artists, so here it is: I am writing an artist's book of advice for artists. It will be in two parts--you and your work, and your work and the world. It will published print-on-demand and, I hope, simple, clear, and from the heart.

This book is my attempt to set forward a guide for developing as an artist, living and working in the here and now, doing the work that only we can do, the work that comes from the deepest and truest part of ourselves.

I'll keep you posted.


  1. what exciting news Susan I want signed copies of Book 1 & Book 2!!

  2. Thanks Mo. It's actually one book with two parts. I'll keep you posted.

  3. I am inspired too. I look forward to the process that you share with us.
