Friday, April 12, 2013

Poetry Month-Book Title Poem

When I recently saw this book spine poem on the facebook of Attleboro, MA librarian Amy Rhilinger,

I knew I wanted to create one myself. On this gray morning, I spent a little time in our "library." I didn't start put thinking it would be a women's poem but it turned out to be.

The Women Troubadours
Writing Past Dark
An Unknown Woman
Collecting Souls, Gathering Dust
The Woman Within
Out of Many Hearts
Pieces of White Shell

Yesterday I came across information about the National Library Week Book Spine Poetry Contest sponsored by the American Library Adssociation. Here's the information:

In honor of National Library Week Honorary Chair Person Caroline Kennedy’s new book, “Poems to Learn by Heart,” and the National Library Week theme, Communities matter @ your library, tell us why your library matters to you by submitting a book spine poem.

What’s a book spine poem?

It is a poem composed using the spines of books stacked on one another to create a free verse poem.
How it works:

Compose your poem using book available to you at your local library.
Take a picture of your poem.
Upload your poem using this web form.
Submit your poem by the April 20.
Poems will then be posted to the site, allowing visitors to vote for their favorite. Voting will be open through April 26.

The winner, 1st and 2nd runners up will each receive a copy of Honorary Chair of National Library Week Caroline Kennedy’s new book Poems to Learn by Heart and an Amazon gift certificate of $25, $15 and $10 respectively.

Upload your image here.


  1. Great idea, I have collected found poems for decades
    and love this extension of found poems using book titles!

  2. this is a great idea, i'm going to try it with my students

  3. Please share if you make some. I'll be doing a post of all I receive on April 30 to close Poetry Month. Send images to susan(at)
