Sunday, October 05, 2014

Studio Sunday-After the Launch

Last weekend's The Spirit Books Launch at the Cox Reservation Barn was a success and a wonderful experience. I am thrilled that I was able to donate $580 to Essex County Greenbelt. We packed up from the show in record time—30 delicate handmade books in just under an hour—
but as you can see from the first photo, the in studio recovery process is going a little slower.

I look forward to sharing more pictures and telling you about the launch when the blog resumes on November 2 after a vacation. Next weekend will be a busy one in NYC—the Matisse Cut-outs preview at MOMA, Center for Book Arts Colloquium on Collecting Artists' Books at MOMA, and my 45th high school reunion. I will probably make some occasional posts on facebook so feel free to like my making books page or become a friend.

In the meantime, here are two local book events:

For New England librarians: The Spirit Books book will be on display at the Independent Publishers of New England table at the NELA Conference in Boxborough, MA October 19-21.

For Boston book lovers, The Spirit Books book will be on display at the Independent Publishers of New England table at the Boston Book Festival in Copley Square on October 25. I'll be meeting people and signing books from 2-3 PM.

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