Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Blog Giveaway-Pablo Neruda Quote

After last weekend's Eudora Welty postcard, I was inspired make more postcard sized art with quotes. We were given 300 lb. Fabriano artistico soft press from the Newburyport Art Association for their postcard project. All I could find easily available in 300 lb. was Arches hot and cold press. I started out not liking either as well. The soft press has more texture than hot press but not as much as cold. As I worked again with a ruling pen and Higgins eternal ink, I came to rather like the cold press and the rougher letters that emerged.

For Thanksgiving, I am offering the Pablo Neruda quote as a blog giveaway. Please leave a comment by Wednesday at midnight to be in the drawing. REMEMBER: If you do not leave an email address so I can contact you, you will not be entered in the drawing even if you leave a comment.


  1. Love all these quotes.
    My email: artistleblanc@rogers.com

  2. Me too! Neruda is a favourite!

    My email: patricia dot a dot mcgoldrick at gmail dot com

    Happy Thanksgiving, Susan!

  3. Everything you create is so lovely Susan! I especially like the quote about the great human tree by Naruda. Cheers, Anneke. Aiofe.outdoors@gmail.com

  4. hi Susan, my email contact is pm_holden@yahoo.com

    warmest thanks,

    Pat .. hopefully you have also received my comment re: the Neruda piece.

  5. A Home without books is body without a soul-what a true quote. Books are really so important in everyone's life.

  6. Thanks for the comments. Patricia for some reason blogger says your first comment was published but it did not show up. You are counted.

  7. For Thanksgiving, another Pablo Neruda quote: "To feel the love of people whom we love is a fire that feeds our life." Gratitude to you, Susan, for all you share! earthgirl22@gmail.com
