Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Book Arts Tuesday-Butterflies on the Move
The mystery Scottish book artist who has placed sculptures at libraries in Edinburgh starting in March 2011 is planning one last sculpture. There is a chance to contribute. Here is her message:
I've meant to finish on several occasions but there always seemed a good reason for taking up the scalpel again. This however will call time on the project .....
Because it's going to be the last, I would like it to be the loudest so I'm asking you all to join in...... not that I'm saying you're loud (I am) .....
If you love libraries and think reading matters then please make a butterfly..... and why not make it in memory of someone who loved books and encouraged you to read.
Get your mates to make one .....and the kids..... Don't hand over coffee until you've been presented with a cabbage white (made from paper she hastens to add)
Let butterflies fly in from as far afield as possible ...... Libraries are loved the world over ...... and in some places people still die for the right to learn to read ......
Spread the word ...... Let us be inundated....
Your butterfly is to be no bigger than 2inches/5cm. Below are basic instructions but if you follow @_freetofly_ on twitter you can make some along with me ......
If your finished butterflies could be posted to:-
The Butterfly Collection, c/o 1 Haddington Place, Edinburgh, UK, EH7 4AE
..... before July 31st 2015 xx
I will then assemble them and deliver our work to a secret place ......
In support of libraries, books, words and ideas
And may the butterfly of joy land on your nose.
You can find the directions shown above here. I'm looking forward to making and sending one.
susan, i'm planning on doing this in my classroom tomorrow, and if it works (thinking big) i may open it to the whole school. wouldn't that be cool?!