Transformed Translations is a work in progress that grew out of an outdoor piece called Translations I: Inner Movement created for an outdoor sculpture exhibition at Maudslay State Park in Newburyport, MA in June 2006. The work was a celebration of the inner life of the trees and the powerful spirit of nature. Banners from handmade paper from Bhutan with ink drawings made using gathered natural materials as brushes surrounded five trees in a grove of hemlocks. A series of 105 eight-inch wooden squares will be arranged multiples of five. The number five makes reference to the five elements in Japanese and Chinese philosophy: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Ku which means Void or Sky and is sometimes translated as Heaven as well as the five trees at Maudslay.
Transformed Translations, along with a new Translations installation on the trees in the courtyard, will be on exhibit at Sasaki Associates in Watertown, MA from March 29 to June 4 with an opening reception on March 29 from 5-7 pm.
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