This image was created from a photo of the spray of green decorated with edamame pods, lilac seed pods, and white lights that is hanging near the back door. One week in November, our winter CSA share from Arrowhead Farm contained a bunch of dried edamame beans. While I wanted to eat them, I was too attracted to the pods to disturb them. I wasn't quite sure of what to do with them and they sat in the mudroom until December when I gathered a spray of greens for the back doorway. As I walked past the pods, I was inspired to tuck them into the greens. I added cuttings of the seed pods from our lilacs and wired on a string of white lights.
It may be just because I am not a good enough photographer but I sometimes find that a straight photograph does not get across the feeling that looking at something gives me. When we look at something, the experience is more than just what is before our eyes. As we see in three dimensions, edit distractions from the background, and take in sounds and scents, what is in our mind's eye can be different from what a photograph presents. I think that is what draws me to manipulating the photographs.
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