Saturday, January 05, 2013

Eleventh Day of Christmas-Cards

Handmade cards always get a place of honor on the bookshelves. This year's collection includes cards from Mo Orkiszewski, Norma McKenzie, Nancy Hajeski, Cathy and Brian (photo of their Corgi by me), Ann McCrea, Marcia Ciro Judy Fraser, me, Kevin Harkins, Janet Lambert-Moore, Tom Costello, Chris Bobek, Paul Marion & Rosemary Noon, Brendan Gaylord, Betsey Bolton, Jean Norman-Clancy, Lisa Scala-Cameron, & Deb Delmore & Douglas Shane, along with letter S paperweight by Rosemary S. Buszek which was a gift from Norma--all a true gathering of the season.

And as a note, I will be thrilled when my self-imposed computer posting exile expires after tomorrow. The lesson--keep iPhone postings short and sweet.

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