I created the idea for a Word-a-Day Journal for 2009 as an attempt to have a journal so easy I couldn't help but keep it through the entire year. Well, it turned out not to be so. Even though it was only one word, or maybe because it was, I put so much energy into choosing each one that by June, I was exhausted and abandoned the project. I came across an extra set and decided to try again for 2011. This time I am going to use it for self-improvement by using the word of the day from thesaurus.com. Recently I was looking for a synonym and found that the word of the day was caliginous (dark, misty, gloomy) and wondered how I had survived so long without it. So here's to a new year filled with new words.
May I suggest that you number the pages for each month with pencil before you begin. You start immediately on the reverse side of the cover. Thirty-one day months will need you to use all the pages and the back cover.
Dear Susan,
I came across your "word a day journal" last year, managed to keep it up for 3 months and then stopped. I think it's a nice idea to use the remaining month-journals for the Thesaurus words, although Í had already written the months on front of the journals. I'm flexible..... ;-D
best, Annie - the Netherlands
Flexibility is the key. Glad to know I'm not the only one who didn't make it through the year.
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