After so much writing and so much thought, I find myself depleted of words as I announce the publication of Art Lessons: Reflections From An Artist's Life. So I'll just quote from the introduction to the book—
Art Lessons tells some of my story and shares the lessons I have learned along the way. I hope that you may gain some insight from my words and be inspired to spend time with your own story. It is there you can learn from the best of teachers—yourself and your work.
As David Bayles and Ted Orland wrote in Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of ARTMAKING:
“Put simply, your work is your guide: a complete, comprehensive, limitless reference book on your work. There is no other such book, and it is yours alone.”
and ask for your support. The book can be purchased from the Harvard Book Store where your copy will be printed especially for you by Paige M. Gutenborg, their book-making robot. If you get a copy and enjoy it, a positive review on the HBS page would be extremely helpful. If you have any suggestions for places to send review copies, I'd appreciate your sending me contact information.
Art Lessons at the Harvard Book Store (US and Canada only. I'll be posting information for overseas purchases soon.)
Preview (There is a preview at the HBS page as well.)
Printing Art Lessons at the HBS
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