Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Calligraphy: How I Fell In, Out, and In Love Again

Calligraphy: How I Fell In, Out, and In Love Again is an illustrated memoir of my forty-year relationship with calligraphy—sometimes all-consuming, always challenging, and ultimately freeing. The story is about more than how to hold a pen and form letters. It is about growing up and growing older, questioning and slowly finding answers.

I've poured my heart and soul into my work and have done the same with this book. It is a personal statement that I have written, designed, and published. The complete book is 143 pages with 277 illustrations.

The book launches in one month, on September 14. I'll be sharing an image or a bit of text each day until then. Some of them will look familiar as the book is based on the forty blog posts I did at the end of last year.

from the introduction:

In the fall of 1978, I was an unemployed English literature major who had spent the past four years teaching swimming for the Boston School Department. I had taken courses in chemistry to prepare for studying nutrition, education to become a special education teacher, and children’s literature because I wanted to open a children’s bookstore. I don’t know that I could have verbalized it at the time, but I wanted more than a job or a career; somewhere deep inside I was seeking a life’s work. 

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